Version 3.1.0-beta1

  • SITS-Admin
  • Topic Author
  • Offline
  • Schultz IT Solutions, established 2004
02 Dec 2013 14:39 - 05 Dec 2013 14:56 #736 by SITS-Admin
Version 3.1.0-beta1 was created by SITS-Admin
Please note that
  • these versions are NOT INTENDED FOR PRODUCTION websites, although we consider them rather stable.
  • you should UNINSTALL any previous versions of jDBexport before installing the current BETA version.
  • this version is (currently) ONLY COMPATIBLE WITH JOOMLA 3.x
    Once this is satisfyingly stable, we will create a backward compatible version for JOOMLA 2.5 !

Here we list the features of the version with their status. This should give you an idea of "how complete the product" is.

Version 3.1.0-beta1 (Build 20132105)

Download version 3.1.0-beta23_Build20131205

- Categories view: ready for testing
- Category view: ready for testing
- Download document: ready for testing (see limitations below!)
- Preview document: ready for testing (see limitations below!)

- Runtime parameters handling: ready for testing (see limitations below!)
- SEF URL handling: core functionality developed
- Frontend module: development not started yet
- Frontend datagrid plugin: development not started yet
- Frontend datafield plugin: development not started yet
- Scheduler execution: in development

- Translation: ready for testing

- Configuration: ready for testing
- Category management: ready for testing
- Worksheet management: ready for testing (see limitations below!)
- Workbook management: ready for testing (see limitations below!)
- Database management: ready for testing (see limitations below!)
- Scheduler management: in development

- Translation: in development

- Instances of various factors in development (see limitations below!)
- Documentation: in development

Existing limitations for the current version:


- Download: XLSX not fully developed, PDF not fully developed
- Preview: Workbook parameter entry is in development


- Database management: MySQL, ORACLE are ready for testing, others in development
- Workbook management: Runtime parameter ready for testing
- Worksheet management: Extracell entry is in development
Cellformatting is in development
Advanced parameters are in development
SQL query help (Syntax check and EXPLAIN) is in development

- Instances of various factors for most parameters (Fonts, Runtimeparameters, ...), a basic set of instances is defined. More instances will be implemented as soon as other issues are solved.

Ruediger Schultz
Schultz IT Solutions

Please support jDBexport on JOOMLA Extension directory (JED) at
Last edit: 05 Dec 2013 14:56 by SITS-Admin.
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