Version 3.1.0-alfa3
- SITS-Admin
- Autor
- Offline
- Schultz IT Solutions, established 2004
24 Nov. 2013 17:48 - 28 Nov. 2013 15:37 #732
von SITS-Admin
Ruediger Schultz
Schultz IT Solutions
Please support jDBexport on JOOMLA Extension directory (JED) at
Version 3.1.0-alfa3 wurde erstellt von SITS-Admin
Please note that this version is (currently) ONLY COMPATIBLE WITH JOOMLA 3.x
Once this is satisfyingly stable, we will create a backward compatible version for JOOMLA 2.5 !
Here we list the features of the version with their status. This should give you an idea of "how complete the product" is.
Version 3.1.0-alfa3 (Build 20131128)
Download version 3.1.0-alfa3_Build20131128
- Categories view: ready for testing
- Category view: ready for testing
- Download document: ready for testing (see limitations below!)
- Preview document: in development
- Runtime parameters handling: core functionality developed
- SEF URL handling: core functionality developed
- Frontend module: development not started yet
- Frontend datagrid plugin: development not started yet
- Frontend datafield plugin: development not started yet
- Scheduler execution: in development
- Translation: ready for testing
- Configuration: ready for testing
- Category management: ready for testing
- Worksheet management: ready for testing (see limitations below!)
- Workbook management: ready for testing (see limitations below!)
- Database management: ready for testing (see limitations below!)
- Scheduler management: in development
- Translation: in development
- Documentation: in development
Existing limitations for the current version:
- Download: XLSX not fully developed, PDF not fully developed
- Database management: MySQL, ORACLE are ready for testing, others in development
- Workbook management: Runtime parameter entry is in development
- Worksheet management: Extracell entry is in development
Cellformatting is in development
Advanced parameters are in development
Once this is satisfyingly stable, we will create a backward compatible version for JOOMLA 2.5 !
Here we list the features of the version with their status. This should give you an idea of "how complete the product" is.
Version 3.1.0-alfa3 (Build 20131128)
Download version 3.1.0-alfa3_Build20131128
- Categories view: ready for testing
- Category view: ready for testing
- Download document: ready for testing (see limitations below!)
- Preview document: in development
- Runtime parameters handling: core functionality developed
- SEF URL handling: core functionality developed
- Frontend module: development not started yet
- Frontend datagrid plugin: development not started yet
- Frontend datafield plugin: development not started yet
- Scheduler execution: in development
- Translation: ready for testing
- Configuration: ready for testing
- Category management: ready for testing
- Worksheet management: ready for testing (see limitations below!)
- Workbook management: ready for testing (see limitations below!)
- Database management: ready for testing (see limitations below!)
- Scheduler management: in development
- Translation: in development
- Documentation: in development
Existing limitations for the current version:
- Download: XLSX not fully developed, PDF not fully developed
- Database management: MySQL, ORACLE are ready for testing, others in development
- Workbook management: Runtime parameter entry is in development
- Worksheet management: Extracell entry is in development
Cellformatting is in development
Advanced parameters are in development
Ruediger Schultz
Schultz IT Solutions
Please support jDBexport on JOOMLA Extension directory (JED) at
Letzte Änderung: 28 Nov. 2013 15:37 von SITS-Admin.
Dieses Thema wurde gesperrt.